About Me

When you hear the phrases ‘neutron star astrophysics’, ‘Antarctic snails’, ‘cockroaches’, ‘phylogenetic algorithms’, and ‘gamma ray telescopes’ lumped together, you may have a little trouble deciphering what they all have in common. However, each phrase represents a research area I pursued throughout my five years as a double major in biology and applied physics at Georgia Tech (GT). I eagerly explored not only different areas of science, but also different areas of the world: I studied abroad in Australia during my sophomore year and took a semester during my third year to accompany my professor on her research expedition to Antarctica.

With each experience, I moved closer and closer to finding something I was passionate about, and eventually I found the field of biomechanics. As a PhD student in the Lauder Lab at Harvard University, I can now add ‘fish swimming’ and ‘soft robotics’ to my eclectic list of phrases.

On this site, you will find my publications, descriptions about my research, a blog where I discuss random topics in science and life as a graduate student, and links to some of the many ways I spend my time.

Less Formal

I can be best summed up with the phrase “klutzy adventurer.”  My hobbies mostly circle around working with my hands and adrenaline: carpentry, scuba diving, hiking, sport climbing, and I’m willing to give any outdoor sport a go. One of my leading tenets in life is to try everything once and to not be afraid of new or weird things. The other side is that I’m very – almost humorously – accident prone, which means I have a lot of cool scars to go with my stories.